Gab (replacement for FB & Twitter) Continues To Grow with 215,000+ users and growing at a high rate everyday.

Brilliant technologists can create a competitor to Facebook and Twitter over a long weekend and that is exactly what happened with GAB in August 2016. But, of course, that initial creation has been greatly improved and went live to all users in May 2017. This shows that the future for Social Networking is opening up as geniuses offer alternatives to the current CENSORSHIP infested Mainstream Social Media Websites. So lookout here comes freedom of speech whether the ELITISTS want it or not, and not just from GAB, but from other new options not yet born.

GAB says on its intro page, “We care for our users. Gab has always and will always be powered by you, The People. Gab is not just a social network, it’s a social movement. GabPro helps us keep Gab ad-free and operational for hundreds of thousands of people around the world.”

“The response to Gab from around the world has been nothing short of incredible. This is a movement, and something that the community is driving forward…They are waking up to the lies and censorship of Big Social. We will continue to build a product built by the people, for the people. We will continue to put people first and promote free speech for all.” — Gab CEO Andrew Torba

Andrew Torba, CEO of GAB

FACT: Twitter stripping out journalists, bloggers, and activists using the their little blue check marks and others are completely purged from Twitter. Twitter had the chance to become a true global public square, but blew it and made a boring place, for safe and boring MAINSTREAM opinions.

It is NOW like an Exodus from Twitter.  Now more than ever people across the spectrum are seeking alternative social media outlets. Gab a simple and uncensored site has punching through the brick wall proudly proclaiming our rights to the first amendment. It offers 300 characters per post plus image, called gabs, compared to 180 on Twitter.  Each Gab account can optionally be linked to a Twitter account for cross-posting, which can be enabled or disabled before a gab is published. When enabled, the gab is tweeted up to around the first 100 characters, along with a link to the gab.

The home page cites the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and is a new social network Users are invited to #SpeakFreely — an appeal attracting posters across the spectrum. No stifling and Censoring allowed on GAB and NO BANS and NOT TIME OUT CORNER FOR 24 HOURS TO A MONTH! was born before the 2016 election, a brainchild of a young CEO taking on what he calls “the Big Social” with a motto “Free Speech For Everyone.” While Facebook and Twitter are cleaning out users, Gab CEO Andrew Torba offers a clean fresh site without censorship and with full individual liberty (NO nanny state). Does away with “Fear from ABOVE.” You can post whatever you want, as long as it’s legal such as pornography, threats of violence or terrorism, confidential information of users without their consent.

New York Times described Gab as “a digital safe space for the far right.”

GAB is funded by users that want to contribute, but that is not required to join. Therefore, there are ZERO ADS on GAB.

Visually, Gab has a beautifully clean and simple interface that combines some of the features of Twitter, Reddit and Facebook.

Gab has developed an Android app, but Apple has so far rejected the social network from its app store. Apple still refuses to allow the GAB APP. Google also removed Gab’s app from the Google Play Store.

GAB CEO Torba said “..I saw the opportunity to … step up and defend free speech, defend individual liberty, defend the free flow of information that I saw under attack.”

GAB was mentioned by David Seaman and other YouTubers following the “pizzagate” BANS on TRUTH!

GAB’s decision to “open the floodgates” is already helping to add diversity of views and includes both right and left.

Gab Social Networking Service is Headquartered in Austin, Texas and offers Free Speech for Everyone.

GAB at a little over one year old, but really went public in May 2017. Amazing growth for a new website, GAB increased by 17,112 users in October and has 215,000+ users by mid-November 2017.

On August 1, 2017, Gab TV, a video streaming service for members, opened up for Pro members to create their own Periscope-like video streaming channels.

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