Caffeine and aspirin have a great variety of protective effects for the body.

GOOD FACT: An Australian study of Reye syndrome cases found that six times as many of them had been using acetaminophen as had used aspirin (1987).

BAD FACT 1950s and 1960s: Little was said about the possibility of stomach ulceration from aspirin. But today Big Pharma now demonizes (cheap) aspirin as they sell far more dangerous “COX-2 inhibitors” that do not protect the circulatory system as aspirin does, but instead damage it.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin rapidly breaks down into acetic acid and salicylic acid found in many fruits, and is protective to the stomach and intestine, and other organs. — Aspirin was found to protect against the damage done by drugs (2001, 1985). — Repeated use of aspirin protects the stomach against very strong irritants.

GOOD FACT DEMONIZED: Vitamin E was discovered, and its tocopherol was found to be brain-protective, pregnancy protective, male fertility protective, anti-thrombotic, and an anti-estrogenic agent. — But soon, the estrogen industry DEMONIZED (cheap) Vitamin E and blocked all media or medical publications that proved that vitamin E, progesterone, vitamin A, or thyroid hormone are protection and fight against dangerous estrogenic substances that can lead to disease and even death. — Unopposed estrogen is as dangerous as polyunsaturated fats in creating degenerative disease. — Vitamin E as an “antioxidant,” fights their toxicity, and with aspirin suppress COX-2, while opposing estrogen.

GOOD FACT: Niacinamide and aspirin treat diabetes and other degenerative/stress problems, by improving glucose oxidation and lowering the use of stored dangerous free unsaturated fatty acids. — This competition between dangerous unsaturated fatty acids versus healthy glucose oxidation has been called the “Randle cycle” for over 50 years.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin is proven to inactivate the enzyme that forms dangerous prostaglandins, and has been widely known for over a century for its very useful anti-inflammatory actions. — Aspirin protects against dangerous lipid peroxidation, and also stimulates healthy mitochondrial respiration.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin can block abnormal (cancerous) cell division, but promotes normal cell division.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin can facilitate learning, while preventing excitotoxic nerve injury.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin reduces clotting, and decreases excessive menstrual bleeding.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin provides protection and stability for the body and its tissues and organs.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin activates both glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration, and this means that it shifts the mitochondria away from the oxidation of dangerous unsaturated fats, toward the oxidation of glucose, resulting in the increased production of carbon dioxide. — Its action on the glycolytic enzyme, GAPDH, is healthy and is the opposite of estrogen’s dangerous effect.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin shifts away from dangerous unsaturated fat oxidation and blocks accumulation of free unsaturated fatty acids — Aspirin blocks the release of fatty acids from both phospholipids and triglycerides.

BAD FACT: Estrogen increases unsaturated fat oxidation while increasing the dangerous level of circulating free unsaturated fatty acids — It activates lipolysis (the breakdown of lipids and involves hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids), as do several other stress-related hormones. — The polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linolenic, linoleic, arachidonic, EPA, and DHA, have many directly toxic, anti-respiratory actions, apart from the production of the prostaglandins or eicosanoids. — GOOD FACT: Aspirin prevents the release of these dangerous unsaturated fatty acids, and is broadly anti-inflammatory.

BAD FACT: VICIOUS CYCLE — Polyunsaturated fats and prostaglandins stimulate the expression of aromatase, the enzyme that synthesizes estrogen, which produces more inflammation, prostaglandins, and more estrogen.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin decreases the production of estrogen, and fights the effects of estrogen on many levels.

GOOD FACT: Carbon dioxide fights lactic acid.

GOOD FACT: Progesterone has a multitude of different positive biochemical actions that protect the body. Aspirin has salicylic acid molecule that is much smaller and simpler than progesterone, but the range of its beneficial effects is similar. — Both fight COX-2.

GOOD FACT: Optimal condition for humans is to grow up eating foods with relatively saturated fats. — But since that has not been the case for most people, the use of aspirin’s preventive and therapeutic powers seems very reasonable to correct or offset many past dangerous dietary problems. Aspirin can help prevent blindness, degenerative brain diseases, heart and lung diseases, and cancer.

BAD FACT: Clean and well ripened fruits are not generally available in abundance in America.

GOOD FACT: High doses of aspirin (3+ grams per day) can stop cancer. — Aspirin provides pain relief, reduced swelling, is recognized to have a anti-metastatic effect, and has the ability to inhibit the development of new blood vessels that would support the tumor’s growth. — Especially when a tumor is painfully inflamed, aspirin’s effects can be quick and dramatic. — Aspirin in many studies shrinks tumors or at least causes regression, or slowing of tumor growth, and it protects against tissue & muscle wasting (cachexia), immunosuppression, and strokes. — Replaces dangerous opiates for pain control in cancer, the most inappropriate means of pain control, since opiates increase the release of histamine, which synergizes with the tumor-derived factors to suppress immunity and stimulate even greater tumor growth.

GOOD FACT: It has recently become standard practice in most places to advise a person who is having a heart attack to immediately chew and swallow an aspirin tablet.

GOOD FACT: High doses of aspirin (3 to 6 grams per day) can (better-late-than-never treatment) can be applied to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other degenerative nerve diseases.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin protects against several kinds of toxicity, including excitotoxicity (glutamate), dopamine toxicity, and oxidative free radical toxicity.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin has similar positive effects on the mitochondria as thyroid (T3) — Using both aspirin & thyroid improves brain energy production more than just thyroid. — Aspirin activates T3, and aspirin can sometimes increase the temperature and pulse rate. — Also aspirin and thyroid work well with magnesium, niacinamide, and other nerve protective substances.

GOOD FACT: Carbon dioxide, hypertonic glucose (intravenous solution administered only after dilution via central venous catheter) and sodium can help stabilize multiple organ failure, which can be caused by profound shock caused by trauma, infection, or other stress. — Aspirin is often helpful also.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin, like progesterone or vitamin E, can improve fertility, by suppressing a prostaglandin(s), and improving uterine circulation.

BAD FACT DEBUNKED: Single doses equivalent to up to 100 aspirin tablets were used by Big Pharma funded animal studies to convince people that aspirin can cause stomach damage as they marketed new drugs. — Aspirin’s reputation for causing stomach bleeding causes people to avoid it. — Fact is any slight irritation produced by a normal dose of aspirin can be minimized by dissolving the aspirin in water. — Also, the stomach develops a tolerance for aspirin over a period of a few days, allowing the dose to be increased if necessary. — Lastly, aspirin/salicylic acid can be absorbed through the skin, and rheumatic (suffering from rheumatism) problems have been treated by adding it to the bath water.

BAD FACTS: The unsaturated (n-6 and n-3) fats from seed and fish oils accumulate in our tissues, and amplify the instability multiplied by estrogen, causing stresses and degenerative diseases. — For 60+ years, a myth that was created to sell estrogen — Harmed both science and the health of millions of people.

GOOD FACTS: Aspirin, vitamin E, progesterone, and thyroid offer real solutions to the dangers of unsaturated fats and estrogen.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin protects against iron toxicity, clot formation, and reduces lipid peroxidation while blocking prostaglandin formation.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs, taken for arthritis, have been clearly associated with a reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. — Aspirin reduces the formation of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid (a liquid unsaturated fatty acid).

FACT: Hormone-like actions of sugar, salt, carbon dioxide, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and many vitamins (A, D, E) must be considered to understand healing and regeneration. — Ca2+ (free calcium) is a signal substance, and is strongly regulated by the cell’s energy charge.

GOOD FACT: TOXICITY of linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid is potentially prevented by the the body’s produced Mead acids, and their eicosanoid derivatives.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin blocks formation of dangerous prostaglandins, prostacyclin, and thromboxane.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin’s anti-inflammatory actions block damages of the polyunsaturated fats.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin prevents many of the problems associated with diabetes, reducing vascular leakiness. It improves mitochondrial respiration (2002) and helps to regulate blood sugar and lipids (2001). — Aspirin’s broad range of beneficial effects works well with vitamin E’s similar effects to protect against the toxic effects of the polyunsaturated “essential” fatty acids. — The use of the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative substances such as aspirin, caffeine, progesterone, and thyroid hormone would seem appropriate to slow or stop degenerative disease.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin is widely accepted as an anticancer agent, and at moderate doses can cause cancer cells to die.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin like progesterone and thyroid, has a wide variety of anti-estrogenic effects.

SAD FACT: People aren’t likely to be pleased if their cancer doctor tells them to “take aspirin and call me in six months.” — Even when the alternative is something that’s seriously toxic to other organs, aspirin seems too ordinary to be considered as a powerful anticancer drug.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin protects against a variety of inflammatory processes, but it’s most famous for the inhibition of prostaglandins, especially related to MS pain and prevention.

BAD FACT: Protein deficiency is an important cause of deranged calcium metabolism.

GOOD FACT: Vitamins K, E, and A are important in regulating calcium metabolism, and preventing osteoporosis.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin’s anti-estrogenic and vitamin E-like actions protects against bone resorption and hypercalcemia and reduces calcium causing arterial damages.

BAD FACT: Heart failure was shown to be a consequence of uncompensated stress. — The failing heart shifts from mainly glucose oxidation to the inefficient use of unsaturated fatty acids, which are mobilized during stress, and provides decreased energy supply. — Estrogen, which is increased in men who have had heart attacks, is another factor which decreases the heart’s stroke volume, and estrogen is closely associated with the physiology of the free unsaturated fatty acids which produce a partly contracted state of the heart and blood vessels that causes hypertension — can lead to reduced tissue perfusion seen in shock, and a generalized inflammatory state. GOOD FACT: Aspirin has been helpful in protecting against heart disease and attacks.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin has been proven to protect the fetus against intrauterine growth retardation. But, since aspirin can interfere with blood clotting, its use around the time of childbirth can be risky, and it is best to correct the problem early enough that aspirin isn’t needed.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin has been found to be important in reducing the inflammatory process in Alzheimer’s disease — People who used aspirin regularly had a low incidence of that dementia. — Aspirin inhibits the formation of TNF (tumor necrosis factor is a cell signaling protein involved in systemic inflammation).

GOOD FACT: Aspirin has been found to retard bone loss in the case of osteoporosis (1999).

BAD FACT: In Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis, the estrogen industry is arguing that the problems are caused by a suddenly developing estrogen deficiency, rather than by prolonged exposure to excess estrogen.

GOOD FACT: Vitamin E, like progesterone and aspirin, prevents inflammation and inappropriate excitation that causes destructive oxidations and degenerative diseases. — Sadly, the spectrum of vitamin E’s protective effects, like those of aspirin, has been consistently misrepresented in the medical literature.

BAD FACT: Today the body’s load of polyunsaturated fats make people very susceptible to inflammation, stress, trauma, infection, radiation, hormone imbalance, and other fundamental problems.

GOOD FACT: Drugs like aspirin and cortisone, block the use of stored “essential fatty acids” toxins in favor of healthy glucose oxidation for efficient energy. — Aspirin blocks dangerous inflammation, its beta-glucuronidase partner, and estrogen.

BAD FACT: Estrogen activates tumor factors and promotes the growth and metastasis of cancer. — Estrogen and excitatory amino acids promote inflammation and dangerous aromatase.

GOOD FACT: Various anti-inflammatory agents, including aspirin, progesterone, testosterone, saturated fats, and glycine, can inhibit the production of Tumor Factors. — Aspirin inhibits the formation of neurotoxic prostaglandins, and lowers the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.

GOOD FACT: Naloxone (used to block the effects of opioids), the antiendorphin, has been found to reverse some of the cumulative effects of stress, restoring some pituitary and ovarian function, and it promotes recovery after brain injury; in a variety of ways, it corrects some of estrogen’s toxic effects.

GOOD FACT: People who take aspirin, drink coffee, and use tobacco, have a much lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease than people who don’t use those things. — Caffeine protects the brain in a wide spectrum of conditions. — Aspirin prevents the dangerous misfolding of the prion protein found in Alzheimer’s disease.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin blocks nitric oxide and prostaglandins, and inhibits cell proliferation in cancer. Aspirin fights lactate to block features of cancer. Aspirin also lowers free radical production.

BAD FACT: The pituitary hormones, especially prolactin and TSH, are pro-inflammatory. — The pituitary can be well-suppressed by adequate thyroid (T3).

GOOD FACT: Eye-drops containing T3 might be a way to restore metabolic activity more quickly.

GOOD FACT: Limiting water intake and using salt generously helps to inhibit prolactin secretion.

GOOD FACT: The saturated fats protect against the body’s stored PUFA, and keeps the stored dangerous unsaturated fats from being mobilized.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin (or indomethacin) is generally protective to the retina, and protects against sunburn.

GOOD FACT: Vitamin E, thyroid, and gelatin (or glycine, as in magnesium glycinate) protect against serotonin and melatonin toxicities.

GOOD FACT: The naturally occurring steroid lanosterol is able to melt away cataracts and prevent them from returning. Impossible to buy in USA.

GOOD FACT: Carbon dioxide, thyroid (T3), progesterone, caffeine, aspirin, and decreased tryptophan consumption protect against excessive serotonin release.

GOOD FACT: Adequate sodium intake restricts serotonin and adrenalin secretion and is anti-inflammatory. — Reduces stress.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin is Anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulan, like vitamin E, protects against estrogen and the various inflammatory states.

FACT: Diabetes is a term referring to excessive urination.

BAD FACT: Insulin use itself constitutes a serious health problem. The use of insulin should require a greater diagnostic justification than the use of aspirin for a headache.

FACT: Diabetes might have a positive side in reducing the symptoms of asthma. — Normal pregnancy can be considered “diabetic” by some definitions based on blood sugar. 1950s Gynecologists say it was common knowledge that “diabetic” women had intellectually precocious children, some with IQs over 200.

GOOD FACT: Fish oils can suppress prostaglandins, because their long chain fats interfere with the conversion of linoleic acid into arachidonic acid and prostaglandins. The prostaglandins are so problematic their suppression is helpful, whether done by aspirin or vitamin E, or by fish oil.

GOOD FACT: Gelatin’s therapeutic effect in arthritis helps connective tissues around joints, and almost immediately relieves inflammation — Resembling the anti-inflammatory effect of aspirin.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin protects against calcification of the soft tissues (2000). — Aspirin promotes trabecular bone remodeling, improve three-dimensional structure of trabecular bone and increase bone density — treatment of osteoporosis (2011).

GOOD FACT: The ability to do something with a defensive meaning, under stress, prevents the excessive production of dangerous serotonin and its stress consequences, such as increased production of cortisol and other stress hormones, and disturbance of circulation and energy production. — Endotoxins in intestines and prostaglandins activate these same systems. — Progesterone and aspirin are among the protective factors that can oppose those stress hormones.

GOOD FACT 1927: Researchers found that a fat free diet produced almost no spontaneous cancer.

BAD FACT: Polyunsaturated fatty acids, and their prostaglandins breakdown products, are excitatory and destabilizing to normal cells (cancer and tumor environment) (1992), are very conspicuous in tumors, and increase with aging. — The prostaglandins and PUFA are involved in several dangerous vicious cycles, including cancerization.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin synergizes with niacinamide, progesterone, sugar, carbon dioxide, and red light therapy protect against both free fatty acids (PUFAs) and prostaglandins.

GOOD FACT: Increasing carbon dioxide lowers the intracellular pH, as well as inhibiting lactic acid formation, and restoring the oxidation of glucose increases CO2. — CO2 staying in the cell has a broad range of protective anti-excitatory effects can likely block tumors — acetazolamide blocks dangerous enzymes, without harming other tissues. — Aspirin also can block these dangerous enzymes (2008).

BAD FACT: Histamine, serotonin (2007), and estrogen (2008, 1975) are activators of dangerous enzymes that cause tumors.

GOOD FACT: Testosterone (1996) and progesterone fight estrogen and blocks its associated dangerous enzymes.

GOOD FACT: The foods that nourish the patient to support healing and build energy reserves, don’t interfere with the good hormones, that don’t cause spurious excitation of the tissues, and include saturated fats, orange juice, milk, honey and sugars, and some carbohydrates. — Foods that provide generous amounts of sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, help to minimize stress. — Avoid all polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) known to suppress the immune system. — Sugars are probably more favorable than starches for the immune system (1999), and failure of the immune system is a common feature of cancer. — When we eat more carbohydrate than can be oxidized, some of it will be turned into saturated fats and omega-9 fats, and these will support mitochondrial energy production. Carbohydrates in the diet also help to decrease the mobilization of fatty acids from storage.

FACT: Trace minerals and vitamins are important, but can be harmful in excessively.

BAD FACT: Lactic acidosis causes bone loss.

BAD FACT: The parathyroid hormone removes calcium from bone, causes lactic acid to be formed by bone cells (1981, 1986).

BAD FACT: Lactic acid produced by intense exercise causes calcium loss from bone (1997).

GOOD FACT: Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda increases calcium retention by bone. — Low bicarbonate in the body fluids seems to remove calcium carbonate from the bone (1993).

GOOD FACT: Vitamin K2 (2003) blocks the removal of calcium from bone caused by parathyroid hormone and prostaglandins.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin, like vitamin K, blocks lactic acid formation, and helps build bone calcification. — Vitamin K2 stimulates the formation of two important bone proteins, osteocalcin and osteonectin (2009), and reduces the activity of estrogen by oxidizing estradiol (2005).

GOOD FACT: Aspirin, which is anti-lipolytic (anti-aging), decreasing the release of free fatty acids, and blocks their conversion to prostaglandins, lowers stressed induced aldosterone, and helps to lower blood pressure, if it’s taken during the night. Aspirin increases insulin sensitivity.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin and vitamin E are protective against toxic radiation, and related consequences of its inflammatory processes. — Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-estrogenic substances are protective against radiation damage. — Aspirin, vitamin e, progesterone, saturated fats, and thyroid also fight against radiation damage.

GOOD FACT: Today inflammation’s role in cancer and heart disease is acknowledged, and simple anti-inflammatory treatments such as aspirin have been more widely accepted in prevention and treatment of both heart disease and cancer. — It is cheap and therefore demonized by BIG PHARMA.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin must be recognized in the fight against all types of inflammation.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin and niacin help to prevent fatigue symptoms, and to prevent many of the harmful systemic oxidative after-effects. — Both are anti-lipolytic and aspirin uncouples mitochondria.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin and thyroid (T3) increase uncoupling of mitochondria or the uncoupling of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism from ATP production, which the body to efficiently consume the sugar for energy and carbon dioxide, and prevents sugar from being diverted into dangerous lactic acid.

FACT: A drug that used to be used for weight reduction, DNP (Dinitrophenol is an extremely powerful fat burning drug and burns fat at the fastest rate known), also uncouples mitochondrial metabolism, and, surprisingly, it has some of the beneficial effects of thyroid and aspirin. — It stimulates the consumption of lactic acid and the formation of carbon dioxide.

GOOD FACT: The “treatment” for intracellular fatigue consists of normalizing thyroid and steroid metabolism, and eating a diet including fruit juice, milk, some eggs, liver, and gelatin, assuring adequate calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium, and using supplements of niacinamide, aspirin, and carbon dioxide when necessary.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin blocks the excitatory metabolite glutamate, and nitric oxide (2000).

GOOD FACT: Aspirin (Aspercream) and saturated fats (coconut oil) can also be protective when applied topically.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin increases levels of carbon dioxide (2005), and progesterone (2002, 2001, 1996, 1995) — Blocks the prostaglandins, estrogens, and tumor factors.

GOOD FACT: Procaine, local anesthetics (1980), magnesium, niacin, vitamin A, aspirin, and, caffeine protect against excessive polyamines (changes in polyamine levels have been associated with aging and diseases).

GOOD FACT: Niacinamide, aspirin and vitamin E are natural substances that are therapeutic in “unnaturally” large amounts because of our continual exposure to the dangerous highly unsaturated plant-derived n-3 and n-6 fats — PUFAs.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin has a very broad spectrum of anti-inflammatory actions, and is increasingly being recommended for preventing complications of diabetes. One of the consequences of inflammation is hyperglycemia, and aspirin helps to correct that (2001), while protecting proteins against oxidative damage (2001).

GOOD FACT: Aspirin corrects inflammation and swelling of smooth muscle, including muscles of lymphatic vessels (2005, 2006, 2000), that must function to reduce edema, as well as to the bowel muscles that cause peristalsis.

GOOD FACT: Caffeine, emodin, and aspirin resemble the body’s builtin defensive substances, and complement the body’s positive healing effects.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin’s protective and therapeutic effects in cancer, blocks PUFA and prostaglandins damages to optimizing wound healing — Decreasing cancerization means aspirin is starting to be recognized for its cancer fighting abilities.

GOOD FACT: Niacinamide, progesterone, sugar, carbon dioxide, and red light protect against both free fatty acids and prostaglandins that can lead to cancerization.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin has some effect as an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase (2008) to block cancerization.

GOOD FACT: Finally, the drug industry is looking for chemicals that will specifically inhibit the carbonic anhydrase-enzymes that are active in tumors.

GOOD FACT: When we eat more carbohydrate than can be oxidized, some of it will be turned into saturated fats and omega-9 fats by the body, and these will support mitochondrial energy production. Carbohydrates in the diet also help to decrease the mobilization of fatty acids from storage. — Niacinamide and aspirin support these valuable effects.

GOOD FACT: The interactions of good protective hormones, especially progesterone and thyroid, with geed nutrients and smart eating can offset the need for vaccinations. — Safe anti-inflammatories such as aspirin can also help, but long-term improvements of the diet plays a central role. — More research is needed to find optimal environmental factors that the body can use in the processes of healing and regeneration, including bringing the strength of childhood healing into late adulthood.

BAD FACT: Accumulation of polyunsaturated fats in the tissues is dangerous and damages the pancreas and the adrenal glands during aging.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin, which is anti-lipolytic, decreasing the release of polyunsaturated free fatty acids, as well as inhibiting their conversion to dangerous prostaglandins. Aspirin lowers the production of stress induced aldosterone, and helps to lower blood pressure, if it’s taken in the evening, to prevent the release of polyunsaturated free fatty acids during the night.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin increases insulin sensitivity.

BAD FACT: A dangerous low salt diet increases the release of polyunsaturated free fatty acids from tissue storage, leading to insulin resistance, and contributing to atherosclerosis (2000, 2000, 2003, 2011).

GOOD FACT: By enhancing the protein, nutrition, and general health of pregnant women, premature birth, respiratory distress, and even retinopathy (damage to the retina of the eyes, which may cause vision impairment) can be minimized for both the mother and child.

BAD FACT: Hospitals are invested in high technology systems for treating women with diet related health problems during pregnancy, but their results are dismal. Hospitals can’t make money by getting pregnant women to eat enough protein and nutrition to prevent preeclampsia, which is a major cause of premature birth. Hospitals refuse to treat such problems with enough salt, magnesium, progesterone, thyroid, and aspirin when the women haven’t had a good diet.

GOOD FACT: The saturated fats protect against release of the body’s stored PUFA, and also fruit juices help keep the blood sugar up to stop stored polyunsaturated fats from being mobilized to poison the system.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin (or indomethacin) is generally protective to the retina (innermost, light-sensitive “coat”, or layer, of shell tissue of the eye), and also protects against sunburn.

BAD FACT: Polyunsaturated fatty acids with age become integrated into all types of cell, and cause so many types of damage when they are released. The ideal is to avoid seed and fish oils and manufactured products with polyunsaturated ingredients, but one ingested and stored in tissues it is best to provide the body with adequate glucose to minimize the use of these stored polyunsaturated poisons for everyday energy.

GOOD FACT: These protective components block the release of stored polyunsaturated fats — Niacinamide, Benadryl, aspirin (2003), and procaine.

BAD FACT: One consumption of polyunsaturated fats is stopped, it can take from two to four years for them to purge from the body.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin’s (similarity to benzoate and phenylacetate) suggests that it might sometimes help to remove ammonia, but the safest procedure is to use foods, such as fruit juices, that regulate nitrogen metabolism to eliminate ammonia.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin protects against some of the worst stressors, including the polyunsaturated fats, so despite its mild irritations, long term studies usually show that it decreases sickness and deaths.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin blocks the production of estrogen, carbon monoxide, and several cytokines and toxic lipid products. Aspirin supports normal respiration, helps correct hyperglycemia, and suppresses dangerous lactate production — An especially valuable therapy.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin has recently been proven to have an anticancer effect (2004) and blocks heme oxygenase (main source for production of carbon monoxide).

GOOD FACT: Caffeine blocks FAS (Fatty Acid Synthase) and spares glucose (energy), and blocks many of the toxic lipid inflammatory mediators — Works will with aspirin.

GOOD FACT: Vitamin D is anti-estrogenic and anti-inflammatory, and by suppresses FAS (Fatty Acid Synthase), parallels the effects of aspirin and caffeine.

BAD FACT: The prostaglandins (deeply involved with the development of cancers of all sorts) were discovered in prostatic (the orifices of the prostate ducts) fluid, where they occur in significant concentrations.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin blocks prostaglandins from development of cancers of all sorts, including in the prostate — Aspirin should be a basic part of cancer therapy.

BAD FACT: The PUFA (especially the omega -3 fatty acids) spontaneously decompose into a variety of toxins, including arachidonate which is enzymically converted into prostaglandins, some of which exacerbate the excitatory damage (2005), including nitric oxide and interleukins produced by excessive excitation which causes cells to lose magnesium and lose control of intracellular calcium.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin’s neuroprotective (brain and nerve) effect (1997) is likely caused by aspirin’s blocking prostaglandin synthesis and inflammation.

GOOD FACT: Aspirin and progesterone and thyroid can block estrogen synthesis and help control epilepsy (2007).

BAD FACT: Stored PUFA in the tissues, when released by stress or hunger, slows metabolism causing various conditions including slow thyroid.

GOOD FACT: Niacinamide helps to lower release of polyunsaturated free fatty acids, but good nutrition, free of unsaturated fats, will allow the liver to slowly detoxify the PUFA. — Can take years to purge all the stored unsaturated fats. — A small amount of coconut oil with each meal will increase the ability to oxidize these dangerous unsaturated fats. — Coconut oil momentarily stopping the antithyroid effect of the PUFA. — Aspirin also minimizes the stress-related release of unsaturated free fatty acids and also stimulates metabolism.

GOOD FACT: Taking a thyroid supplement is reasonable until the ratio of saturated fats to PUFA is reduced to 2 to 1 ratio.



Study at California State University’s College of Agriculture showed grass-fed beef beef is significantly more healthy than corporate factory feed lots. Grass-fed Beef provides more good fats, better protein, higher potential for vitamin A and E and cancer-fighting antioxidants compared to grain-fed beef. But most important grass-fed does not contain most of the poisons and drugs pumped into corporate feedlot beef simply to maximize profits.

Today, most of the beef you find on the grocery store shelves has been fed a grain diet of corn and soy mixed with many foods other than grains to keep down costs and promote weight gain, including gummy worms to milk chocolate bars to stale candy still in the wrappers, these poor cattle are fed whatever is the cheapest source that will fatten them up the most, and apparently, it has been going on for decades.

In 2007, the USDA established a standard definition for the “grass-fed” claim that requires continuous access to pasture and prevents animals from being fed grain or grain-based products, in feed lots prior to butchering.

6 Grass-Fed Beef Nutrition Health Benefits:

1. Grass-Fed Beef can be a Cancer Fighter and promote health and fights disease in multiple animal studies. In 2000, a Finnish study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer demonstrated the anti-carcinogenic effects of Grass-Fed Beef for humans.

2. Grass-Fed Beef Reduces Heart Disease Risk, and has less overall unhealthy unsaturated fats and more heart disease-fighting antioxidant vitamins, like vitamin E, Bs, A, and D.

3. Grass-Fed Beef Improves Blood Sugar — Getting enough healthy fats in your diet is extremely helpful to keeping your blood sugar at a healthy level for adults ands children. These results in children are also meaningful for adults looking to keep their blood sugar under control to ward off diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.

4. Grass-Fed Beef has No Forced Hormones and Antibiotics – 80% of antibiotics sold in the USA go to livestock. The main reason corporate farmers use more antibiotics is animals are confined to small spaces with high dangers of the spread of diseases. Cows that aren’t grass-fed live on diets of polyunsaturated grains, cheap wastes, and are typically given hormones to unnaturally increase their weight and hence yield more meat. With grass-fed cows, weight gain is not the goal and has a healthier, lower-calorie low or no polyunsaturated fat diet. Humans easily become contaminated by corporate farmed poison loaded cows, including dangerous hormones and even more dangerous drugs and poisons — animals people put on their dinner plates. Cows fed grain have acidic intestinal tracts that promotes the growth of bacteria like E. coli, which can actually kill someone who eats undercooked beef like a rare hamburger — Thanks to big corporations that care zero about safety or quality and simply use whatever means maximizes profits — we all risk out lives when shopping and eating in America thanks to overcrowded, disease-ridden feed lots.

If meat is organic and grass-fed, then the animals are not given antibiotics or hormones because organic cattle are fed organic grass and are not given antibiotics or hormones.

5. Grass-Fed Beef is The Safer Beef Option — Recently the biggest study to date (by Consumer Reports) demonstrated that choosing grass-fed meat over conventional meat decreases your risk of food poisoning and results in fewer antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and reduced deaths. The researchers tested for the presence and variety of bacteria in 300 samples of ground beef from 103 stores in 26 cities across the country. They found conventionally raised cows had far more bacteria, as well as bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, than beef from sustainably raised cows — 18% of corporate cows were infected with super-bugs. The bacteria in conventionally raised cows results in 11,000 people dying in the U.S. every year. Grass-fed beef poses less than half the risk of death from corporate feed lot cows. — “poses fewer public health risks.”

6. Grass-Fed Beef is Better for the Environment — Research now shows that traditional grass-based beef production and finishing actually benefit the environment by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing biodiversity of pasture ecosystems and improving quality of run-off water from well-managed pastures. Overall, grass-fed beef has actually been shown to reduce the carbon footprint and help the environment rather than hurt it.

GOOD FACT: Grass-Fed Beef Nutrition allows cows left to its own devices to eat and thrive on a diet that’s very grass-centric with a few other foraged plants like clover thrown in. Grass-fed beef comes from cattle that consume only grass and other foraged foods during the course of their lives, gaining important types and levels of nutrients and fats needed to be healthy. Meat from 100% grass-fed cows is loaded with far more safe nutrition than you could ever hope for from grain-fed cows.




Facebook account dumping is a CLEAR FORM OF ELECTION FIXING!


Facebook removed 800 alternative media pages so they could not provide insights for the 2018 midterm election. Also, Rothschilds Crime MAFIA forced the internet service provider for GAB.COM to terminate that site that has hundreds of thousands of users to prevent their impacts on the elections. But GAB.COM is back online now!

The Washington Post says Reverb Press dates to 2014 and was co-founded by a man named James Rader, who told the Post he is progressive and feels the Facebook action was unfair to sites of all political backgrounds, adding, “This is what the First amendment is all about. It should be a fair, equal playing field, that’s all we ever asked for.”

The New York Times reported that one of the pages removed by Facebook was Right Wing News, a destination that had more than 3.1 million followers. Anything anti-corporate crime MAFIA (Rothschilds MOB coordinated) was removed. Facebook even removed the left-wing, Reverb Press that had 800,000 likes and The Resistance, which had 240,000 likes. “The Anti Media” is well-known and had millions of likes and was removed.

The Washington Post reported that some purged accounts “had been in existence for years,” and “amassed millions of followers,” supporting both “conservative or liberal ideas.”

The common thread is that all are ANTI-ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA pages that do not TOW THE CORPORATE CRIME MAFIA LINE!


Many say the sweeping action amounts to an attack on independent media, both representing left and right-wing political views. Reaction was strong on Twitter, where people accused Facebook of targeting independent voices and others noted that some pages were suspended on Twitter too. This was clearly a Rothschilds Crime Corporate MAFIA coordinated attack of FREE SPEECH AND IS A STRONG FORM OF ELECTION RIGGING!

The Free Thought Project wrote on Twitter, “Facebook has unpublished our page After 5 years of building fans Facebook has officially unpublished our page (3.1 million fans) so we can’t post on it anymore. This is truly an outrage and we are devastated. We will do everything we can to recover our page and fight back.” However, shortly thereafter, its Twitter page was suspended too. This was a coordinated Rothschilds Crime MAFIA attack on the American People and their right to FREE EXPRESSION AND SPEECH!

One site wrote, “Thanks to a coordinated attack on independent media by the establishment, this website is at risk of shutting down due to our ads being pulled and organic reach throttled. We need your help to survive, click below to see how you can make sure we stay around.”

Jason Bassler, of the Free Thought Project, wrote on Facebook, “So it appears that Facebook has unpublished our page along with at least 28 more pages that we currently know of including personal profiles. Yes, you read that correct. After 5 years of hard work, literally working 7 days a week to share information and build fans Facebook has officially unpublished our page The Free Thought Project (3.1 million fans)…so we can’t post on it anymore. It is still live on their site, but we can no longer control it or post on it….”

John Hawkins, the founder of Right Wing News wrote on Twitter, “So, the NYT did a hit piece on me today regarding the Facebook page I used to run. After that, Twitter suspended one of my accounts with no reason why given. — Hawkins was recently in the news when he created a GoFundMe page that raised more than $600,000 for the family of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Hawkins wrote, “I have never created a Facebook page under a fake name and I don’t run the Right Wing News Facebook page any more. In fact, I haven’t run it since the start of the year.” — Nicholas Barnabe, admin for Anti Media, used his personal Facebook page to confirm the news writing, “Facebook has unpublished my page, The Anti-Media, after falsely accusing us of violating policies. 2.1 million followers and 5 years of work gone…for now.”

And just like that 5 + years of hard work promoting ideas of peace and freedom have been erased,” John Liberty wrote on Facebook.

Even on Facebook was blocked from posting on Facebook for 30 days ending right after the ELECTION!  This is criminal and is a strong form of election fixing!