1645: ASSASSINATION OF KING CHARLES I OF ENGLAND BY VENETIAN-KHAZAR-DUTCH BLACK NOBILITY — Jews and Ashkenazi-Khazars were expelled from England in 1290 CE, both for typical usurious criminality. But in the 1600s CE, Venetian-Khazar-Dutch Black Nobility banksters bribed Oliver Cromwell to overthrow a weak King Charles I, and by manipulating the parliament, Cromwell succeeded. Charles was beheaded. The financial takeover of the world by Venetian-Khazar Black Nobility had begun, and the principal Khazar criminals of the world set up shop in the City of London, where they now coordinate the ruination and enslavement of the entire world.

1793: ASSASSINATION OF KING LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE BY VENETIAN-KHAZAR-DUTCH BLACK NOBILITY AND UP AND COMING ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB — The ugliest revolution of all was the French Revolution, in which people all over France killed each other for reasons they themselves did not understand (a situation about to happen today in the United States). International Jewish money-lenders plotted and planned the Great French Revolution of 1789 CE, exactly the same way as they had plotted and planned and financed the English Revolution of 1640 CE-1649 CE. The descendants of these same International Rothschilds Crime MAFIA Financiers have been The Secret Power behind every war and revolution from 1789 CE onwards. The king and his wife, the much maligned but throughly slandered Marie Antoinette, were eventually beheaded by Rothschild’s subversives, and France has never been the same since. A recent president of France, Sarkozy, was an actual CIA Mossad agent.

1801 CE: ASSASSINATION OF CZAR PAUL I BY ROTHSCHILDS MOB ALLIES, son of Catherine the Great, a German woman who engineered the killing of her husband Tsar Peter III and birthed Paul, whose father was her court lover. Paul first married the daughter of the Landgrave of Hesse (Rothschilds parasited on the Hesse fortune and eventually robed it all), who furnished troops to England to suppress the American revolution (arranged by the Rothschilds Crime MAFIA). Nevertheless, Paul was a sincere king, who was eventually killed by his mother’s corrupt co-conspirators, as well as his own son. His big mistake appears to have been changing the rules of succession, depriving the nobility of its privileges, and prohibiting women from ever again being named monarch.

1825: ASSASSINATION OF ALEXANDER I BY ROTHSCHILDS MOB — Catherine’s favorite grandson conspired in the murder of his father and, according to official records eventually died of typhus. But Count Cherep-Spirodovich reveals that he was poisoned during a lunch with ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA agents, and never recovered. (p. 114, The Hidden Hand). Shortly thereafter, Nathan Rothschild tried to foment revolution in Russia, as ROTHSCHILDS PROGENY did in 1830 CE and 1855 CE.

1835 CE: PRESIDENT JACKSON BEAT THE ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA IN MULTIPLE WAYS — The first attempted Rothschilds Crime MAFIA American presidential assassination occurred in 1835 CE, when our 7th president, Andrew Jackson, successfully shut down the Rothschilds Crime MOB’s second national bank, which the Rothschilds Crime MAFIA banksters used to control scamming of America and Americans. The Rothschilds MOB hired assassin Richard Lawrence fired twice, but both shots misfired. Jackson promptly beat him with his cane.

1841 CE: ASSASSINATION OF WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, our 9th president was anti-Masonic and anti-Illuminati and planned on blocking House of Rothschilds MOB plans for the US Civil War, who was killed by MOB hired doctors. An official report at the time stated Harrison died not of pneumonia, which is the mainstream story, but really died from the treatment he was subjected to for “an ordinary winter cold.” In the Currier lithograph depicting Harrison’s death bed scene, Daniel Webster is shown giving an enthusiastic thumbs up. The August 1841 CE edition of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, published just a few months after Harrison’s death, suggests that it was the medical treatment that Harrison received, and not any virus or bacteria, which caused his demise. Vice President Tyler then broke all Harrison’s campaign promises and became a pariah to Americans.

1843 CE: ONE REASON ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA ASSASSINATED LINCOLN — “a (American NOT Rothschilds MOB) national bank is highly necessary and proper to the establishment and maintenance of a sound currency, and for the cheap and safe collection, keeping, and disbursing of the public revenue.” — Abraham Lincoln, March 1, 1843 CE.

1850 CE: ASSASSINATION OF ZACHARY TAYLOR, our 12th president, who was anti-Illuminati and planned on blocking House of Rothschilds MOB plans for the US Civil War. Hero general of the Mexican war, Taylor disagreed with the concept of a strong national bank and opposed the extension of slavery. They exhumed Taylor’s body in 1991 CE and found traces of arsenic in his bones. Vice President Fillmore reversed all his policies. Coincidentally this was the time when Karl Marx wrote the Communist manifesto.

1855: ASSASSINATION OF NICHOLAS I BY ROTHSCHILDS MOB — By this time Ashkenazis had infiltrated and take over England, France and Germany for the Rothschilds Crime MAFIA. Disraeli ran England, the poseur Napoleon III ran France, and Bismarck ran Germany. All joined together to prosecute the Crimean War in the south of Russia. It failed, but two years later, the czar, who had been called a demigod by a number of English Rothschilds MOB propagandists-writers, was poisoned by his own Ashkenazi doctor working for the Rothschilds Crime MOB.

1857 CE: ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF JAMES BUCHANAN BY ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA – But Buchanan survived. The attempt was because like Harrison and Taylor he was obstructing Illuminati-House of Rothschild plans for the US Civil War.

1862 CE: ONE REASON ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA ASSASSINATED LINCOLN — “I know of none which promises so certain results as the organization of banking associations (in America not Rothschilds MOB). To such associations the Government might furnish circulating notes, on the security of United States bonds deposited in the Treasury.” — Abraham Lincoln, December 1, 1862 CE.

1863 CE: ONE REASON ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA ASSASSINATED LINCOLN — “currency can be furnished by banking associations (American not Rothschilds MOB), as suggested in my message at the beginning of the present session.” — Abraham Lincoln, January 17, 1863 CE.

1881: ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB MANIPULATION OF AMERICAN MONEY SYSTEM AND ASSASSINATION OF JAMES GARFIELD (1831 CE-1881 CE), our 20th president, shot down in a Washington railroad station, after speech saying banksters ran everything from behind the scenes. “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry [legislation] and commerce.” Two weeks later, Garfield was shot in the back by Rothschilds Crime MOB hired gunman Charles Guiteau, who supposedly was miffed about not being named ambassador to France. By the time Garfield died after 2 1/2 months of agony, his doctors had turned a three-inch-deep, harmless wound into a 20-inch-long contaminated canyon stretching from his ribs to his groin and oozing more pus each day. After Garfield’s death his physicians submitted a bill of $85,000 to the Senate. The Senators authorized a payment of only $10,000. Many of them referred to the doctors as quacks. The hired quacks killed Garfield anlong with the hired gunman. — 1868 CE: “It is my clear conviction that the most formidable danger with which the country is now threatened is a large increase in the volume of paper money.” — Representative James Garfield, in the House, May 15, 1868 CE. He also favored continued use of Lincoln’s debt free greenbacks that blocked the CRIMES OF THE ROTHSCHILDS MOB! — Compare that to this quote by a Rothschild criminal, “Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry [legislation] and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.” — Edmond James de Rothschild, a son Maurice de Rothschild.

1881: ASSASSINATION OF ALEXANDER II BY ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB — Perhaps the saddest of all these Russian assassinations was the fate of a handsome prince known as the Tsar Liberator. He freed the Russian serfs in 1861 CE, four years before Lincoln did the same. Most notably, he answered President Lincoln’s call for help and sent ships to San Francisco and New York to help save the Union during the War Between the States. Later he gave Alaska to the U.S. for practically nothing. He survived seven assassination attempts before being blown up by the Jews he did his level best to liberate. And it took two bombs to do it: while Alexander was riding in his carriage, a bomb went off devastating a whole neighborhood. The king leapt out to help the survivors, and as he did, another bomb killed him.

1900: ASSASSINATION OF WILLIAM McKINLEY, our 25th president, shot at point-blank range in Buffalo, N.Y. by a Polish Ashkenazi anarchist, Leon Czolgosz (1873 CE-1901 CE), who got his gun from the notorious Emma Goldman (1869 CE-1940 CE), an Ashkenazi from Brooklyn and was prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917 CE. Czolgosz pumped two slugs into the president’s stomach at the World’s Fair while the president shook hands with citizens. Afterwards, a speech by Goldman was found in the assassin’s pocket. McKinley was known as a “hard money” man. This was because he advocated a gold standard. Unlike his opponent, William Jennings Bryan, McKinley was against “easy money” with no backing — printed by ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA BANKSTERS AT USURY INTEREST to the borrower — namely the US government. But by fighting against Rothschilds MOB’s “easy money,” McKinley sealed his death warrant. A death warrant signed, sealed, and delivered by the powerful House Of Rothschilds MOB criminals in banksters’ suits.”

1917: ASSASSINATION OF NICHOLAS II BY ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB — Russia’s last czar and his family were foully murdered by the Rothschilds Crime MAFIA agents sent from America by the Rothschilds MOB agent banker Jacob Schiff. It was a repeat of the same criminal thing the Rothschilds MOB had done to Russia for hundreds of years, only this time they succeeded in taking over the whole country. They created the Soviet Union, which killed 66 million Russian natives. The moral nature of Judaism is so insane that almost a hundred years after the man called a demigod, Nicholas I, was poisoned by his Jewish doctor, the very savage who killed more Russians than any other, Joseph Stalin, was himself poisoned by a Jewish doctor when he was of no more use to the Hidden Hand.

1923: ASSASSINATION OF WARREN G. HARDING, our 29th president, in San Francisco after being poisoned for opposing Simon Guggenheim’s oil-related land grab in Alaska. Robust and healthy at age 57, Harding was the first U.S. president to visit Alaska. On the way back, he developed food poisoning. After lingering for a week in a San Francisco hotel room, he suddenly died. Four doctors attending to him could not agree on his cause of death. He was embalmed within the hour. Harding is most infamous for his complicity in the Teapot Dome scandal, after which his Interior secretary Albert Fall went to jail for selling multibillion dollar oil rights to oilman Harry Sinclair.

1926 CE: ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA MONOPOLY ON ASSASSINATIONS OF WORLD LEADERS — Count Cherep-Spirodovich, who had been a major-general in the czar’s army, reveals many things in his 1926 CE book, “The Secret World Government, or ‘The Hidden Hand’”. Among those secrets were, “The first Jesuits were white Askenazi-Khazars; that mysterious Russian Diplomacy, which so alarms Western Europe, is organized and carried on by Ashkeanzi-Khazars; that mighty revolution (of 1848 CE) which is at this moment preparing in Germany, is entirely developing under the auspices of Jews, who almost monopolize the professional chairs of Germany”. In practically every nation on this Earth, the Rothschilds Crime MOB’s Hidden Hand has killed legitimate leaders and replaced them with Rothschild-manipulated phonies. The Rothschilds MOB’s overthrow and sabotage of legitimate governments and monarchies is very long. This included their subversion of the 500 year old Habsburg Dynasty.

1945: ASSASSINATION OF FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, our 32nd president, was murdered by his top adviser, Henry Morgenthau, for refusing to drop atomic bombs on Japan and his alleged reluctance to support the creation of the state of Israel. One week before his death, in a letter dated April 5, 1945 CE, Roosevelt promised King Saud that he, as president of the United States, would take no hostile action against the Arabs and that the United States would not change its basic policy toward the Palestine issue without prior consultations with both Arabs and Jews. Roosevelt’s policy was reversed by his successor, Harry Truman, who later recognized the State of Israel 11 minutes after it declared itself a nation. At the time to the first news of FDR’s death it was clearly stated that he’d shot himself in the head, but not long after, the story given out by the news media suddenly changed to his death having been of natural causes.

1963 CE: JFK WAS BLOCKING ISRAELI NUCLEAR PROGRAM — JFK was snuffed by a corrupt coalition of many, including Lyndon Johnson, George H.W. Bush, Israel, the Rothschilds Crime MOB and their Federal Reserve MOB associates. JFK was thwarting the nuclear-weapons ambition of Israel which achieved their robbed nuclear weapons capabilities because of the assassination of President Kennedy. Evidence Ties Israel’s Nuclear Weapons Program to the New Orleans MOB Connections plus the Rothschilds Crime MOB hated that JFK was creating a US currency in an attempt to disempower the Federal Reserve and Rothschilds Crime MAFIA.

2012 CE: ASSASSINATION MONOPOLY — John Kaminski gives a fact-filled history of major assassinations of major world leaders carried out over the last few centuries by the Rothschilds Crime MAFIA and they assassinated at least 8 American Presidents. The real reasons in every case was they were against Rothschilds MOB policies. These Rothschilds MOB criminals also assassinated five Russian czars and the kings of England and France. But this is just the top assassinations and also does not include the failed attempted assassination. The founder of this evil in 1812 CE, said to his criminal offspring, “Remember my children, that all the “EARTH” must belong to us Jews, and that the Gentiles, being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing. — Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812 CE. — All the U.S. presidents who died in office were all killed by the same mysterious people for the same mysterious reason control of the money and nations as they move toward RULING THE ENTIRE “EARTH.” — John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 CE for challenging the hegemony of Israel, the mob, and the Federal Reserve; William McKinley, in 1900 CE, was gut shot for opposing creation of the Federal Reserve; James Garfield, in 1881 CE, was shot in the back shortly after uttering the assessment that bankers controlled everything; and Abraham Lincoln, in 1865 CE, was unceremoniously terminated for creating an independent currency, as Kennedy tried a century later. — But four added assassinations of American presidents includes — William Henry Harrison (1841 CE), Zachary Taylor (1850 CE), Warren Harding (1926 CE), and Franklin Roosevelt (1945 CE) — are well documented outside the Rothschilds Crime MOB controlled media and record of history — They hired these assassins. All eight presidents were eliminated for opposing the plans of the ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA banksters who began controlling the world in 1775 CE building on the Venetian-Khazar BLACK NOBILITY CRIME MOB that infected the Dutch and Continental Europe and then TOOK OVER ENGLAND and still use LONDON and Israel as their primary headquarters. — When you correlate the corpses of national leaders and their cause of death to their public statements, you discover the identity of the killers in every single case is the ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA. This even includes the killing of promising presidential candidate Huey Long in 1935 CE, by a Ashkenazi doctor named Carl Weiss. — The total Rothschilds MOB murder toll runs into the 100s of millions of 99.9% innocent people just trying to live their lives as they have faked using false flags and the press every war since 1775 CE. — Four of five Russian czars in the 1800s CE (as well as a fifth in 1917 CE) were assassinated by Rothschilds MOB — the same perfect record Rothschilds MOB owns for American presidents. — These are the same criminals that assassinated King Charles I of England and King Louis XVI of France, as well as innumerable kings of countless other countries, as far back as 1770s CE. — But this well-documented historical pattern of Rothschilds Crime MAFIA homicidal mania against leaders who refused to knuckle under to bribes and blackmail extends over a 250 year criminal history. After the U.S., the second-most glaring example of the persistence of ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MAFIA killers is what happened to Russia in the 1800s CE. Ashkenazi anarchists killed all but one of five Russian czars in the 1800s CE, and culminated their murderous rampage by butchering the last czar and his whole family during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 CE, which was wholly the work of ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB criminals funded by well-known Rothschilds MOB banksters, principally Jacob Schiff, an agent of the Rothschilds MOB.

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