
Viguerie = Near ZERO GOV Conservative


“Takeover” = BOOK by Viguerie = GOP Refocusing civil war waging within the GOP = Battle plan with Cantor Defeat

Establishment GOP from Rove to Boehner trained conservatives to focus on “the enemy” rather than the issues = “us versus them” mentality (SPORTS) = TARGETS Low-information voter + for politicians who never want to be held accountable.

REAL ENEMIES OF GOP CONSERVATIVES = Bush + ROVE + Teddy Roosevelt + Boehner + McCarthy

REAL FRIENDS OF GOP CONSERVATIVES = DeMint + Mark Levin + Goldwater + Reagan

Sheds new light on many of the battles, strategies and tactics of the last 100 years.

Conservatives take over the GOP and govern America by 2017.

Battles for limited government = Activist’s frustrations and motivations in turning the country around. = Think tanks + major political fights + financial battles + negotiations. Strategies and tactics regarding freedoms and constitutional liberties.

Koch Brothers Plan = $300 Million to Fight for BILLIONAIRE SCAMS In 2014 = FOR DIRTY ENVIRONMENT + Spearheaded by the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce + Keystone XL pipeline + FIGHT constitutional amendment to restore regulated (BRIBERY) campaign finance 


A clear path to reversing course = Viguerie’s ‘battleplan’ = real action steps of what all of us can do to put our country on a real path to liberty

END crony capitalism and feigned freedoms the GOP establishment has us running full speed on.

Boehner + Rove are destroying this country!

100-year civil war within the Republican Party + how conservatives can take back THE GOP from the entrenched GOP establishment.

Mark Levin’s book The Liberty Amendments = Strategic legal and political battle plan for taking back America over the long haul

Viguerie’s book = Tactical handbook = Critical political and marketing tactics necessary to TAKEOVER NOW!

GOP BACK to Reagan standard of conservatism prosperity and Godly values = Our Liberty Elections website. = END liberal Republicans with constitutionalists =

Viguerie TAKEOVER = Everything frustrating about the GOP is described. Work hard during the primaries to rid the party of liberal establishment senators + REPS = constitutional conservatives in office = or America will suffer a thousand liberty eroding cuts.

Keeping a strong constitutional republic is a difficult job. It requires an educated population and representatives who will fight hard to block the cannonballs of tyranny. = The Rule of Law and defending our Constitution.

Teddy Roosevelt = Split GOP to advance a progressive agenda.

Progressivism = GOV Republicans Versus NO GOV Conservatives

Conservative Tea Party = REJECTED BY AMERICANS = LOSE key elections

Takeover = Time to establish NO GOV government + Constitutional sanity + What is necessary for conservatives to win this party civil war.

Reagan “The Great Communicator” embraced conservative values = NO GOV +
Inequality = American dream = Every man must be free to become whatever God intends he should become (UNLIMITED SCAMS) + Foreign Policy = Peace through our strength + Abortion = Everyone for abortion has already been born + Welfare State = Purpose is to eliminate the need for welfare + Entrepreneurship = Unlimited SCAMS allowed by NOT limiting human SCHEMING + National Debt = INCOME (TAXES NEAR ZERO ON MULTINATIONALS + BILLIONAIRES) – Spending (CORPORATE WELFARE + SCAMS LARGEST COSTS) + Immigration = Don’t let them in and don’t let them stay + Freedom = protected for our Children (END NSA + END WARS THAT ROB OUR FREEDOMS) + Leadership = DOES NOT DO great things BUT Gets people to do the great things

Viguerie = Application of scientific methods to political direct mail + Republican party is locked in a battle for control against big government TEDDY ROOSEVELT Republicans = Enemies of the conservative wing of the party = Use “Primaries” to purge progressives = DeMint for president = Social and religious conservatives = Tea Party = Recruit with FAR RIGHT WING community issues = Abortion + Immigration + NO GOV + Use Obama as SCAPE GOAT = GOP are like the Wandering Jews who after 40 years will finally find the Promised Land. = Use open Republican primary to produce a leader who fits this description.

Viguerie Site of GOP BS =

1965 direct marketing/advertising companies + Conservative Digest magazine + Opposed Gerald Ford + Fights against GOV power for RIGHTS OF WEALTHY TO RUN SCAMS AND ROB THE 99% = Moral Majority + Promoted Ron Paul = “truly a principled conservative in the grand tradition of Robert Taft + Goldwater + Strongly against capital punishment

GOP Leaders = SPINELESS Wonders = Richard Viguerie

GOP = Needs leaders who clearly, passionately and articulately fight for conservative principles. = Gingrich was articulate, an excellent strategist and a fierce partisan. = “What are the four, five, six things I can do today to put the Democrats out of business?” = Now GOP are schmoozers and dealmakers (LMFAO) + Not articulate, passionate advocates for the conservative agenda = Weak on right to life + “War on Women” + LGBT + NO fighting for conservative principles + Added Contract on Americans + We need at least one None Boneless Wonder to gain a leadership position like Gingrich.

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